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August '23

It's been over a month since we opened the doors at Health Tree Acupuncture and the response has been amazing! The uptake for appointments shows how important the service is to the local community and beyond. 

I want to say a  BIG THANK YOU!
Your support and attendance at the Friday low cost clinic is greatly appreciated. 

So, here is the first Health Tree Acupuncture newsletter. My aim is to share useful information that will help support your health and wellbeing alongside your acupuncture treatment. Diet and lifestyle are important elements of Traditional Chinese medicine and can help achieve optimal health. I'm not encouraging anyone to make dramatic changes, small steps are the best way to make long lasting changes.  I hope the information I share will inspire you to explore new ideas that could have a positive impact on your health. To start things off I briefly explain the energetics of food and their effect on health. You will also learn how to locate the acupuncture point Yintang to apply acupressure as part of your self care routine. 

Keep scrolling down to find out more...

Best wishes




Health Tree Acupuncture Digest

The Energetics of Food in Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), food not only has nutritional value but also an energetic value. The energetic value relates to the capacity to generate sensations - either hot or cold. The five kinds of energy are cold, hot, warm, cool, and neutral, and this refers not to the state of the food but its effect on our bodies. Continually consuming one type of food can create an imbalance in the body, and in time will have an effect on the immune system.

One of the tenets of Chinese medicine is to keep our bodies "neutral."

Foods that are warm and hot bring heat to our bodies - beef, coffee, ginger, hot chillies, and fried foods - while cold and cooling foods cool down our bodies - avocado, cucumber, green tea, pawpaw, mango. Neutral foods are suitable for both warming and cooling conditions these are vegetable oil, rice, pork, and most types of fish.

Some of the symptoms associated with a person with excess heat in their body include feeling hot, excessive sweating, anger, and constipation. A person with an excess of cold in their bodies can appear pale, have poor circulation with cold hands and feet, and complain of fatigue.

It's important to be aware of how our body reacts to the different energies of the food we consume and the effect it will have on our health. Consuming the same food over a long period of time can have an effect on our health, so it's important that we eat a varied diet to maintain a healthy immune system.

Take for example someone that suffers from rheumatism, a painful condition that can be considerably worse during cold weather. With this in mind eating warming or hot foods can offer symptomatic relief, whereas foods with a cold energy would exacerbate the pain. Another example would be a person suffering from a skin condition that becomes worse when exposed to heat, in this case eating cooling foods with a cold or cooling energy could bring symptomatic relief.

Below are some of the foods and seasonings with warming, cooling, and neutral energetic values.





We are all different, our individual constitutions react to foods in different ways. If you have health issues finding what works for you can take time. Keeping a food diary as one of the tools for getting your health back on trac could be a good starting point.

This information is a very brief outline of the energetics of food for health. Choosing an experienced TCM practitioner can help you make the appropriate food choices for your personal health concern.

Why Did You Use That Point?

Yintang, or its English translation "Hall of Impressions" is located midway between the ends of the eyebrows. Yintang has a very powerful action of calming the mind which makes it a popular point in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety and agitation.

Because of its location it can be an effective point to treat a frontal headache.also benefits the nose and is often used to treat nasal and sinus congestion, rhinitis and nosebleed.

To get the maximum benefit from this exercise find a quiet space, lie down if you can. Locate the point with your thumb, take a few slow deep breaths to centre yourself.

When you're ready take a slow deep breath and exhale while using your thumb to apply pressure in circular movements to the point. As you exhale try to relax your facial muscles. Repeat for a few minutes. It might take a few goes to get the hang of it if you're new to acupressure. Keep trying and you'll feel the benefits of this versatile point. Incorporate this exercise as part of a self care routine.

About Health Tree Acupuncture


Health Tree Acupuncture is part of the Wellbeing Sessions project created by St Margaret's House, an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation based in Bethnal Green. We share their vision in promoting positive social change to create healthier and happier communities.

As a partner of St Margaret's House, Health Tree Acupuncture is supporting the local community every Friday with low cost treatments through the Wellbeing Sessions project.

Health Tree Acupuncture passionately believe that high-quality, affordable healthcare should be accessible to all and free from financial, social, or geographical barriers. The multibed clinic allows the treatment of a number of people in the same room while protecting privacy, dignity, and confidentiality. Furthermore, it also provides the opportunity to offer treatments at an affordable rate, providing gentle, ethical, and affordable solutions to pain, stress, and illness.

The clinic has grown in popularity and is seen as a valuable service by the local community. We treat a wide range of health issues and welcome everyone from the local community and beyond.

We operate a three-tiered pricing structure, this is to make our offerings as inclusive as possible,
Prices range from £15 - £25+ dependant on your income.

Health Tree Acupuncture  is open every Friday from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm.


Your Acupuncturist John:

I have over 20 years clinical experience of working within the NHS, the voluntary sector and in private practice. I recently joined St Leonards Hospital in Hackney as part of the Hoxton Health acupuncture team, I  continue my private practice from various London Locations. If you have any questions or concerns about acupuncture or want to know if acupuncture could help you, a friend or family member drop me an email.

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